

Hi, so this is a little out of my comfort zone, but here goes. I dont have mant friends due to alot of anxiety/panic/depression issues. Two of my biggest triggers are germs, and the fear of death. I actually physically make myself sick sometimes when going through certain things (like what is going on right now.) I dont really have anyone to talk to currently and my boyfriend has a job that is essential. He is gone 9am to 10 or 11pm every weekday. Im going a little nuts sitting around and was wondering if anyone had the same issues and would like to talk... or if you dont have the same issues and at least wont judge me or laugh at me for them. I would really appreciate any responses at all because things currently arent going very well for me. A little bit about me in case you see this, I am 23 years old and live in Pennsylvania and can literally talk about anything and usually end up talking to much. Thank you in advance to anyone who reaches out. Here is a picture of me too in case you were curious what I look like. Thanks for reading!