Trying to remain calm

Last month I obsessed over us trying to get pregnant / hoping I was. A few BFNs and a period later.. lol I was not pregnant and we are okay with that because we trust in God’s timing.

This month I have been feeling way less obsessive over it. Didn’t stress over making sure we did it every single day of my fertile week. Haven’t started testing early or even really thinking about it at all. However, I have had a slight temp (99.2-99.8) all week (when I normally run 97s). Though I felt fine. Today... still 99.2 and I have a wave of nausea come over me that hung around for a while. I didn’t throw up though. I’ve also been experiencing tender breasts and increased urination. But, my period is still 5 days away!!! Again, I wasn’t thinking about any of this until my DH and coworker mentioned, “could you be pregnant?!” Well, I don’t know! And it’s too soon to know! But now, I am of course thinking about it again. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Talk me down! Lol!