In-law issues

Hey all! 👋 I am dealing with in-law issues. So, me and my husband been married for 4 years now and dated for 4 years. We have a 1 year old son and another on the way. My husband's family is the "first" family of a church. My Father-in-law is the pastor. I never really gotten close with his family but the longer I stay with my husband, the more I can feel bad vibes towards me. His family is very judgmental type of people. (Church people) I remember back when things were "OK" with me and his in-laws they would talk so bad about their own blood family. It will make me feel kind of awkward sitting there listening lol... Anyway, his family is making me feel some type of way. I have no idea why.... I tried to be nice and reach out the best way I knew but it never really worked. I just recently found out my sister-in-law told my mom and father-in-law (her parents, my hubby parents) that I am using my husband for his money and I am lazy.... I am a stay at home mom because my husband wanted me to be. I have been working since the age of 16 and ALWAYS paid my OWN bills even when we were dating. I never begged or asked my husband for a dime until after we got married and established our own family. And my husband knows i really dont mind working....I am starting to feel so disappointed and sad. I am already emotional due to this pregnancy but when I found out about the lie that was said to me I cried for weeks! I love my husband so very much!!!!!! And I can't believe his family think I am using him??? Wtf??? 😢 My sister-in-law is married and has 2 kids and all four of them still lives with her parents. I was told from my husband that she is jealous that we have our own place and her husband is not getting a real job to support her and her 2 kids for almost 5 years. They have been living with my in-laws since we been married! I am the only child and don't really have that much family to talk to so I am feeling really alone. 😞