I tried to leave but I dont have enough gas

You are SUPPOSED to work every day. You are SUPPOSED to be at work for the next 9 months so we can catch up on bills.

You are SUPPOSED to be working so I can FINALLY have a day to myself and clean without you in here. We have no children, I work all week long.. I have worked all summer long when y'all had no work. I paid all the bills, all by myself, with my shitty little paycheck trying to make sure I found a way that you could still eat. I made ALL of that happen.. setting aside bills that were not as important as the others. You PROMISED that once work started back up that I wouldnt have to make those payments anymore. That you would help me catch up on all the bills that are overdue.

I understand that y'all's work depends on how the season is going.. but I also look at this time as Me being able to decompress and spend time finding "Me" again and relaxing... along with trying to keep everything clean.

We live in a very small house and we spend every minute we are not working together... I love you but.. YOU CAN GET ANNOYING.

So.. today I couldnt take it.. I figured I would take a drive. So, I got dressed, got in my car, and realized that I DONT HAVE ENOUGH GAS. I realized that if I went for a drive, I wouldnt have enough gas to get back and forth to work until Wednesday.. which is when I get paid.

All I Wanted To Do Was Leave for A Little While.. to gather my thoughts.. to calm down.. and I couldnt even do that.

I have told you this. You say, "I work hard".. yeah, you do.. when you are actually working. I work hard all day then come home and have to continue working. I NEVER get time off.

I Love You but I am VERY unhappy with you right now.