Feeling out

✭✩ 𝔼 𝕃 𝕃 ✩✭ • •••>•Mother of 2 girls•Silent Miscarriage 2009 and four chemical pregnancies since 2019 • Baby # 3 due February 2023<•••

•I'm 11 dpo today and getting nothing but bfn's 😭 already feeling out which sucks because I never felt more confident than I did this month and was convinced we would get our bfp.

•We've been trying to conceive for a year with two losses last year back to back in April & May. Haven't gotten pregnant again since. We've tried the fertility drugs etc.

Just no luck.

•My significant other & I cannot afford <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> but we have discussed

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>.

•Anyone have any tips on this?