Are you still feeding a bottle at night?

Is anyone else doing something similar? Baby is 7.5 months old and I feel like he is still eating a lot at night.

Bedtime at 7 pm

dream feed him around 10

he eats again at 1 or 2 am

then again at 5am

is up for the day at 7.

Does anyone else have a similar schedule or should I be trying to cut out the dream feed and 1 or 2 am bottle?

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Posted at
My baby is 8 months. He gets all of bottle during the day. He’s formula fed. He sleeps 12 hours at night no bottles


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I think you should try to cut out the bottles at night. I think he's probably eating at night because he's not getting all the calories he needs in the day, so I would try to slowly wean him off one ounce at a time and see if his daytime ounces increase. 😊


Ma • Apr 6, 2020
Do you offer the bottle first or an hour before solids? Every baby is different so if that is what works for him then thats okay! I just thought I'd suggest it since that's what worked with my LO.


Ne • Apr 6, 2020
Not OP but personally this would not work in my situation, since starting solids my son has been really fighting the bottle during the day. I’m lucky if I can get him to drink 20oz in 24hrs sometimes BUT he very easily and quickly finishes his bottles during the night. Even on days where he barely eats solids, I offer water but he doesn’t want it - he still refuses milk during day


Posted at
My LO was sleeping through or waking between 4-5am but now he's back on the schedule of 7:30 bedtime, 2am and 5am feeds. His two bottom teeth are coming through so I'm not sure if that's causing more wakeups or if he's just going through a growth spurt. Hoping it goes back to one feed a night cause I'm getting tired haha😴


Posted at
That sounds like a lot of night feeds. Maybe try with a dummy first to see if they’re actually hungry? Ours hasn’t had a night feed since she was 3 months old, we didn’t train her or anything she just stopped asking. If she woke up crying we’d giver her a dummy first and she would just fall back asleep 🤷🏻‍♀️. She sleeps 12 hours straight at night at the moment (thank god as we’ve had a few horrible weeks recently where she’d cry hysterically for hours but she was ill)


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My baby wakes up approx the same 3 times as yours. He's breastfed.


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Our LO still has her dream feed at 11:30-12pm (2oz). She still needs that to sleep through the rest of the night. She doesn’t eat a lot during the day (3-4 oz every 4 hr), but eats a lot right before bed (6-7oz). Will prob continue this until she eats more solid.


Posted at
My son goes to bed between 6-7pm and we try getting him to eat when we’re putting him down, then he eats again between 9-11pm and then again between 2-3am, wake up time is around 5:30-6am. And he’ll eat again around 7am.


Jean • Apr 6, 2020
Exactly like my son:)


Posted at
She normally wakes up for 1 bottle at 4am but if I feed her oatmeal before bed she doesn't wake up at all! I buy her the baby oatmeal with the fruit bits in it


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Just follow baby’s lead! If baby needs it, then give it. It’s very common for babies to night fees until sometimes 12 months! All babies are different.