I’m so confused. Long post

Tori • 28. Benjamin born 4/17/19. IVF warrior.

TLDR: I’m a novice of opks and have no clue what I’m doing.

Ok so I have PCOS. Haven’t gotten a natural period since like 2008. We started ttc right around when we got engaged. Fast forward another year and we go to the dr for testing. Hubby was perfect, good semen analysis. That’s when I was diagnosed (2016). We jumped onto clomid then for the next year and a half. (3 months on, 3 months off). I never ovulated. At this point my husband and I were getting depressed and desperate. I was taking probably 15 pills twice a day with all the stuff you find online saying “this will definitely get you pregnant!” I was gaining weight like crazy from the depression and hormones. We started seeing a fertility specialist in Feb 2018. He confirmed I wasn’t ovulating and we hopped directly into <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>. Egg retrieval was June. Got 11 eggs, 6 embryos. Transferred 2 fresh, failed. Transferred again August 1, two embryos, got pregnant with one beautiful sweet baby boy. He was born in April 2019. We started ttc again 2wpp (I know not good for me but it was my choice). No luck. Stopped breastfeeding 6mpp and no period. Took provera in November, had the lightest cycle ever. No baby. We started keto on Feb 10 2020. March 21, I got a natural period!!!

Now I am on CD17. I have not gotten a positive OPK but I didn’t start testing until CD10. I was using expired clearblue digital tests (expired on my transfer day in 2018😂😂). Finally got some strips and the lines have been weird. Today I got a “high” but it was weird dye run that didn’t go away after 5min. I’ve been having some light bleeding when I wipe. Is it possible I ovulated early and this is implantation bleeding? Is my body just still fucked up? We really want another baby but can in no way afford <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> again in the next ten years.