Crazy wife problems 😶

So a little back story- I’m crazy lol. I have always been very territorial about my man. Well he has this friend that he has known since he was like 13. I have never really liked this friend. He’s ok to be around, but he cheats on his wife all the time and I’m just not ok with that. He also is one to send my husband pictures of these women to show how “bad “ they are. It’s just extremely disrespectful. Wel my husband is a pc gamer and so is this guy. They play at night usually and stay up all hours which is whatever. my husband told me the other day that they have been playing with this girl lately and that his friend naturally is super flirty with her and brings up inappropriate conversations. She says she has a boyfriend, but I guess he’s deployed right now. So my husband was telling me about some of the conversations they have. I guess she didn’t know he was married for a while until his friend brought it up 🙄 but he said she has brought up the fact that she just bought a dildo and she asked him if he watches porn and all kind of stuff. I find it VERY inappropriate. I told my husband that I wasn’t comfortable with him playing a game with another female when these are the types of conversations they have. So last night he didn’t come to bed until 5 am. When we were talking this morning he said the girl was on last night and I asked if that’s why he didn’t come to bed until 5am (jokingly) and he said yes (not jokingly) 😶 it has put my in a mood all day and I can’t seem to get out of this slump. I hate being this insecure, but I’m just not comfortable with my man playing a game literally all night with another woman who constantly brings up sex. He told me he doesn’t think she’s even that pretty, and when I asked him how he knew what she looked like (there are no selfies on this game) he said because he looked her up. Then changed his story to his friend looked her up and sent him pictures of her, which again, in super inappropriate to me. Technically he’s not doing anything wrong, but I still can’t help to be salty with him over the whole thing. In no way do I expect him to stop playing his game at night, but maybe just not with her.