MIL rant 🙄 (it’s long. Sorry!)


My husband and i have been together for 11 years. We started dating just before senior year of high school. She’s always been very distant from him, kicked him out at 18, just not very loving and very different from my upbringing so it was hard for me to watch. We moved 900 miles away for work. We live in a very touristy area.

Fast forward to now when we have a baby. My due date was Oct 5 so my parents planned to come down a few weeks later so they could see her when she was a newborn. My in-laws have still not seen her. They planned on coming down later in April but with the virus it got canceled. They called my husband to tell him and they said “oh we can’t come down, but hey what’s the weather like in September”. Didn’t mention ANYTHING about our daughter or missing her.

I post pics of her on Facebook almost daily and she’s never acknowledged them. Maybe twice in the 6 months she’s been alive. She’ll comment on photos that OTHER people share of her, but never mine. My mom posted one the other day and she goes “oh it must be nice that you get pics every day” Her sister saved one, posted it, and tagged my MIL. she said right away “she seems happy. Wish she lived closer”. I texted her saying “hey it seems like you can’t see the pictures I post. Do you want me to tag you so you see them?” She says “i see some of them”

I’m just so frustrated. It probably seems petty and like dumb but I know how she is and it drives me insane. If you made it this far, I’m impressed 😂🙈💓