Sippy Cup?

Caitlin • 🔥 2/15/19 🔥 💎10/8/20💎 Severe Preeclampsia Survivor 💪🏻

Absolute nightmare. I have tried 5 different sippy cups. All fail. I put tasty treat in one, he just chews on it and enjoys a few sips. Refuses to take them. If he’s hungry he loses it. Halp.

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I gave up on sippy cups and just use straw cups for my daughter. She just got mad at the sippy cups.


Ash • Apr 8, 2020
I started giving her a straw cup around 8 months. She finally figured it out a little after she turned 10 months and now at 11 months she’s a pro. We leave one full of water out all the time and just randomly grabs it and drinks throughout the day.


Caitlin • Apr 8, 2020
How old was she? I can’t imagine my 13 month old using a straw. First time mom 😅


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We use a Nubby brand straw sippy cup! My son has been drinking from a straw since he was 8 months. He sometimes chews on it but he does a lot better with that type than the regular sippy cup


Siani • Apr 8, 2020
Same from 6 months much easier! And better for their teeth x


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Girl same with my daughter. She holds them but realizes it’s not the same nipple like her bottle... so I gave up for now haha


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I got my daughter a “beginner” sippy cup. It was a silicone nipple so it’s similar to a bottle but still the sippy cup idea. she does great with it for water but so far prefers the bottle for milk.


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We also use a straw cup, we introduced it around 9 months and he got the hang of it pretty quickly actually and he loves being able to just grab it and take sips when he wants! I recommend this one: Munchkin Cool Cat Stainless Steel... baby loves to throw it from the high chair and you can’t tell that it’s already been dropped 1000 times 😂