
Samantha • Mama to Leona Mae 08/12/19 and Gemma Lee 08/26/22 💜 Baby #3 due 08/20/24

Hey mamas - FTM here!

With the weather getting warmer I realized I have no idea what to do with my baby and the sun and going outside.... Lol does she have to have sunscreen on every time we go out? How long can I keep her outside? How hot is too hot? Do I offer her water to drink when we are outside?

Obviously I don’t stand and hold her to the direct sunlight. I put a sun hat and glasses on her. Keep her in the shade, put her in her little sun hat, keep the umbrella up on her stroller. I just feel like I need a little more information.

Man these questions make me feel dumb. I feel like it’s common sense. I KNOW what I feel is probably right but I just want to make sure.

Thanks in advance! 😄

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We live in Florida and I pretty much just assume that when I’m hot, he’s probably even hotter... so we go on short walks with a little fan on the stroller and the shade part all the way down. Sometimes he wears a hat/shades if he’ll put up with it.We’re never really outside for more than 30 minutes unless we’re in the pool. We do sunscreen before the pool but not for our walks since our stroller covers so much. We spend most of the time in the shade, usually sit on our porch swing several times per day. I usually give him a tshirt and shorts and no socks. Hope that helps a little! But always better to be over protective than to skimp :) Enjoy the warmer weather!


Am • Apr 8, 2020
Ya they’re great! Except now my son always tries to grab at it lol


Samantha • Apr 8, 2020
Thank you! We are in Indiana. When I had her in August I always had her all bundled up for our walks but we also had an early fall. Today it about hit 80 and we went out to walk and I panicked lol I mostly worry about her burning. I’ve seen those little stroller fans, I’ll order one on my next amazon haul 😂


Am • Apr 8, 2020
And cold water sounds like a good idea!


Posted at
We go for 15 minute walks twice a day, I keep babies in the stroller with the shade up, and lately there's been a strong breeze so no fan necessary. Once around the block is about all I can handle. LOL