
Hi, first time posting here so i hope this is the right place

im a 22 year old female and i just wanted to start a conversation about how hard im finding lockdown while suffering with an unhealthy relationship with food and disordered eating and i think others might feel the same.

I live on my own so can eat when and however much i want. I currently practise intermittent fasting as a way of controlling my calories in but im stuggling with allowing myself to eat. Im in the uk and we are currently in lockdown, everytime i go to the cupboard or fridge to make food i get scared that i will run out of food so i dont eat it. Its like im hoarding? Im not leaving my house to go shopping or anything, im too scared.

Is anyone else feeling this way? Im on week 4 of isolation now and some conversation wouldn’t go a miss! 🙈