HELP. 15 weeks of no real sleep


My baby girl is 15 weeks old and since the day she was born has been a terrible sleeper. Overnight she only sleeps 2-3 hour stretches. EVERY. SINGLE. NIGHT. We have tried everything.

Swaddle. White noise machine. Lavender essential oil. Formula bottles in evening and night. Routine at night starting at 7:30pm and a daily evening bath. Putting her down drowsy, not asleep. Doing the “pause” if she stirs at night. She gets breast milk in bottles typically. We make sure she gets a good full feeding before bed. She sleeps in a bassinet in our room but we have tried her crib, dock a tot in crib, & Zen sleep bag with that little weighted bean chest thing. We have a Nanit Cam in her room. I bought a Love to Dream transitional swaddle. She naps during day to prevent from getting overtired. Stimulated and playtime throughout the day.

Is there an end in sight? I just don’t know what to do. I know all babies are different but I have felt like a walking zombie for over 3 months now and will do anything to get even just a 4 or 5 hour stretch of sleep....🥱🥱😩😩😩