My mom needs mental help.


I’m just venting so if you don’t have the mental capacity I wouldn’t read. Me n my mom used to have such a good relationship but now that I’m older she’s a bit older she has become very jealous, very rude, and self centered. I get it this virus has everyone on edge but first thing I told her she could come visit a few days after I get home from hospital but she’d have to wear a mask when holding baby. Well now my little brother decided to roam around for 10 days and now he’s back in their house which she said they wouldn’t let him back in. So I told her I’d like her to wait 21 days from the day he returned to come over we put the same rules for my mother in law n no issues. Well she went crazy saying she doesn’t care she will be coming over I’ll have to get over it. Blah blah. I’m seriously not letting her in though. She feels offended bc my finance is still working but will be around baby. Well we live together where else can he go! He can only start teleworking once baby gets here. Anyways I told her I lost my mucus plug yesterday and she starts filling my head about going to the hospital bc I could have a prolapsed placenta. Mind you I’ve had 5 miscarriages before so being pregnant has been a very nerve raking, but why would you tell me that when it’s nothing out of the ordinary!! I really wish we had a closer relationship I love her I do but sometimes she’s so cruel and honestly I’m happy she can’t be in the delivery room with me. She brings nothing but negative energy