Y’all.. what’s the deal?!?!


period talk.

DH and I are trying for baby #1. Well, I was due for AF on the 8th. I didn’t think it was coming because I pretty much always start having symptoms a day or two ahead of it. But, on the 7th, out of no where, I started having some cramps and spotting in the PM. However, it didn’t continue after I initially discovered it. But, on the 8th I hada BFN and it came on full force. Cramps and a heavy flow for 2-3 days. Then a full day of NOTHING. Which is unusual for me. I’m usually a 5-6 day kind of girl. Then, the day after a day I had the day with nothing, I had some cramping in the AM but no blood, then some spotting after sex in the afternoon. Then that was it. But this AM, slight cramps and a little spotting. But, it already seems to have stopped again.

What is going on here?! I have never had my period do anything like this...

I don’t have an OBGYN or even a primary care doc right now. So, I’m not sure who to ask.