Do what you want and what’s best for you, because at the end of the day you’re the one responsible for your little baby. If he isn’t ready and is just stressing you out then I’d stop talking to him. Either he’ll take some time and try to connect when he’s more ready or he’ll stay away either way you don’t need the stress or him trying to sway you because it’s your decision. I was pretty young with my first and she was definitely unplanned and I shouldn’t have even been dating her father in the first place and he would ask me every day if I was going to get an abortion. From that point on every decision I made about my daughter I made for me. He ended up coming around and was involved on and off for the pregnancy and first year but I knew we weren’t going to last and I’d be a single mom so I made all the big decisions myself. I wouldn’t change a thing, he left for good just after her first birthday and the relationship never got better just went through periods of bad and periods of neutral. She is almost 5 now and we moved out of state, she knows her dad, he flies over a few times a year they FaceTime several times a week and he transfers me a set amount of money every time he gets paid without being asked, no child support no custody agreement and very little drama. My best advice is just to cut him off until/unless he comes around and if you don’t want to be with him don’t pressure him to be involved but definitely don’t deny him the chance to be involved either as long as he’s acting right. Your baby will be happy if you’re happy.