Advice needed, father wants nothing to do with the baby

I am currently 12 weeks pregnant my ex boyfriend has decided that he wants nothing to do with the baby because he’s not ready. I’m not going to force him to be there for my baby, he really wants me to have an abortion because he’s worried that I might put child support on him later on in the future

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Posted at
He should have worn a condom if he wasn’t ready!You’ll be an amazing single mom! You got this!Take him to court and get that child support!


Posted at
Because he really should be paying child support, takes two to make the baby. If he genuinely wants nothing to do with the baby have him sign away his rights at birth therefore he won’t have to pay support but also has zero say in seeing/doing anything for the baby& do it yourself if you want to keep the baby. Don’t let him pressure you to get an abortion if yo do not want one.


Posted at
If you don't want an abortion don't do it. It's a decision you'll live with the rest of your life. That's your child and you can make a great life for the 2 of you without him! If he really doesn't want to be involved he can sign away his rights. That way he is also not responsible for child support. My stepdad (should have never been a father - not a great guy) was in a bitter legal battle with his sons mother. He didn't want anything to do with them and after racking up tens of thousands of dollars in back child support they finally agreed to sign away rights. He never had to pay back child support and his sons step father adopted him.


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Why is it always about what the guy wants? Personally I wouldn't give a shit what he wants at this point. What about what you want and how you feel?! How incredibly selfish of him and for that exact reason I would be putting his ass on child support. You didn't make this child yourself. I can personally say from experience that you don't need him and that you can do it. My daughter's dad is a pos too and has never been there for either one of us, only long enough to get his dick wet and to get me pregnant.


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Do what you want and what’s best for you, because at the end of the day you’re the one responsible for your little baby. If he isn’t ready and is just stressing you out then I’d stop talking to him. Either he’ll take some time and try to connect when he’s more ready or he’ll stay away either way you don’t need the stress or him trying to sway you because it’s your decision. I was pretty young with my first and she was definitely unplanned and I shouldn’t have even been dating her father in the first place and he would ask me every day if I was going to get an abortion. From that point on every decision I made about my daughter I made for me. He ended up coming around and was involved on and off for the pregnancy and first year but I knew we weren’t going to last and I’d be a single mom so I made all the big decisions myself. I wouldn’t change a thing, he left for good just after her first birthday and the relationship never got better just went through periods of bad and periods of neutral. She is almost 5 now and we moved out of state, she knows her dad, he flies over a few times a year they FaceTime several times a week and he transfers me a set amount of money every time he gets paid without being asked, no child support no custody agreement and very little drama. My best advice is just to cut him off until/unless he comes around and if you don’t want to be with him don’t pressure him to be involved but definitely don’t deny him the chance to be involved either as long as he’s acting right. Your baby will be happy if you’re happy.


Posted at
He knew what unprotected sex would get you he maid his bed now lay in it dont put your mind body and soul into getting an abortion he dont have to go through that tell him to be a man cause he was when he was making the baby and grow up


Shamika • Apr 15, 2020