Could this mean it's baby month?😁


I have a beautiful little family, me, my fiance, and our son. And Daddy brought up the great idea of making this family, a party of 4❤ I did not hesitate to say no (baby fever has been boiling anyways)

It's been a few months of trying to get pregnant but I got my fingers crossed on this one!! I might sound crazy but I'm definitely one for those little things that make you think a little🥰🤞🏼

So a couple weeks ago I planted a BEAUTIFUL hibiscus and the first blooms I got since I planted, on my calculated best ovulating day and 'ironically' 4 BLOOMS in a row (possibly family member #4???👀)

& today was officially the end of my "ovulating cycle" and this morning I go to check out my fish tank and we have EGGS!!! Which means we have several fish babies🐠 on the way hahaha

I know it's silly but it's the little things that give us hope☺