5th IVF transfer failed 🥺😢💔

Portia 💛 • 7 years ttc #1, 1st FET 30/01/19 = BFN 2nd FET 24/03/19 - BFN 3rd FET 08/07/19 = BFN 4th FET 14/11/19 = BFN 5th FET 22/03/20 = BFN

I am so lost, I have no one to talk to or turn to right now. No one understands the pain I am in or what I am going through. The lockdown is just adding to my crappy feeling of feeling so alone.

5th frozen transfer and it has failed. I don’t understand! All my tests have come back great. I have blocked tubes so that is the reason we can’t conceive naturally, but told there is no reason <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a> won’t work.

Is this just seriously bad luck? Do I have a crappy batch of embabies? (We got 11 to freeze all meant to be good).

I honestly don’t know what to do for the best? Do I keep trying with the embryos we have? Or do I start from scratch and see if we can get a better batch? I am so worried I am wasting money for each transfer when it’s not working, do I just fork out more for a new cycle and hope that works?

I truly believed we would fall pregnant first transfer as I thought we had overcome our issue with my tubes blocking the egg and sperm meeting, this is clearly not the case!

I am so confused and lost! So sorry for the rant!