Will this ever happen? Losing hope😕


My DH and I have been TTC for almost 3 years. We're both 40.

I've had a history of irregular cycles for most of my life, but over the course of the past 4 years, they've been regular ranging between 28-32 days.

Through this 3 year, process I've been using several OPK/<a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">Fertility tracker</a> apps as well as Pregmate OPK strips. While using the strips, I've never really reached a "peak" or at least I never thought I was reaching it, so, off to the Reproductive Endocrinologist I went. After multiple blood draws and workups, everything has been coming back completely normal.

In October of 2019, we finally got a positive HPT. We were thrilled! Just as fast as the excitement hit us, we were dealt the heartbreak of it being a chemical pregnancy.

In January of 2020, I had an HSG which showed no blockages, but there was a uterine polyp discovered. The RE stated that the polyp could be what was/is causing the issue, as it was possible this was preventing the egg from fully implanting.

Surgery was done, polyp removed on 1/31/2020 with no D&C needed.

I resumed my OPK's during my February cycle, again, using the tracker apps and the Pregmate OPK strips. Always thinking I was going to get a "peak"

On April 3rd, I had my progesterone levels checked. According to my RE, my levels indicated that ovulation had occurred, but according to my strips, I never reached "peak."

So, now I'm left wondering if the strips are even remotely close to being accurate for someone at my age.

Due to the virus that's going on, my RE has postponed moving forward with testing or treatments.

I'm basically left to sit and wait until she decides when it's best to proceed. I'm not mad or angry, because I know that the risks of continuing while everything is crazy in the world and having a bad outcome are high but rather, a little sad and discouraged.

I would like to continue testing for ovulation, but maybe I should be using different testing methods.

Has anyone had more success with detecting your ovulation peaks and highs with the Clear blue Advanced Digital tests rather than these strips? Pros? Cons?