My birth story


I'm a first time mom. My due date was April 13. On the Tuesday before that at 39w2d, I woke up to my bloody show and some cramping. Called my OB and they advised me to go to Labor and delivery to get checked. They put me on the monitor but it wasnt picking up any contractions so I went home. The bleeding and cramping got progressively worse. Wednesday night around 9, the cramping was getting painful. I wasnt getting the tightening feeling so i didn't think they were contractions. I decide to time them anyway and by 3 am they were consistently 5 minutes apart so we headed to the hospital.

Once in l&d, they checked and I was 4cm. They offered the epidural and I accepted hoping I could get some rest. It took a few tries but they finally got it in and working. I was feeling great and progressing nicely. Around 8am I was 7cm and my doctor broke my water. I labored until around noon when they checked me again and I was ready to push. At that same time, my epidural stopped working and I was feeling everything. The contractions were so painful I couldn't breathe through them. I pushed for 3 hours but baby just wouldn't descend. I was exhausted and my doctor finally decided we needed a c-section. That spinal block was the greatest thing I ever experienced. The pain was gone and I was able to just relax and wait for them to get my girl out. She came out at 3:27 PM Thursday April 9, 2020 at 39w4d. A perfect healthy 7lb 6oz and 19inches.

Lillian Grace ❤😍

Now 8 days old