Skin test for peanut?

Has anyone tested baby for peanut allergy by doing a skin test on them first. Example, putting peanut butter on the neck and covering with a bandaid and seeing if there is a reaction within 24 hours.

Long story short my babe had a delayed egg reaction and i have consulted the doc and she didn’t recommend an allergy test but just told me to wait until my babe turns 1 to try egg again.

I had to wait about a 1.5 month before i could test any other allergy as requested by my doc. I have consulted 3 doctors and all have told me to go ahead and test for peanut at home BUT when i google it says babies who have an egg allergy are at a higher risk of peanut allergy and it should be tested at a doctors office.

Pleaseeee someone help me out. I will go by what my doctor has said and that is to test it at home by giving my LO some but i am so scared 😣

Any advice? I have no family history of peanut allergy and my LO did accidentally dunk her hand in nutella this one time and had no reactions. I breastfeed and eat peanut butter. Dont know if all this makes a difference.

I know i need to get over this fear but so scared to take that first step incase a bad reaction happens 😢