My boyfriend missed our sons birth☹️


My second pregnancy I was high risk because I had severe preeclampsia with my daughter and I had her at 35 weeks. I saw specialists my whole pregnancy and had special tests done as well. Everything was looking good so they set an induction date for only 3 weeks early. At 37 weeks you’re considered full term and they thought baby would make it. Then I started leaking protons into my urine again and my blood pressure started to steadily rise. With my first it happened within a couple days so we had no idea with her. I went in for a previously scheduled growth ultrasound and NST. I had a weird feeling about it. I was still about 34 weeks and 4 days but nonetheless I had a weird feeling. My blood pressure was a bit high and he wasn’t reacting great on the NST. His heart wasn’t  excelling when he was moving so they moved me to a delivery room and admitted me. This wasn’t the first time I was smithed this pregnancy so I thought it may be a day or two and they’d send me home. While I was there I got worse and my baby still wasn’t cooperating like they wanted him to. And my boyfriend was at home with our 1 year old and he was still going to work so he went home to sleep for the night and he was planning on coming back in the morning since they decided to induce me at 34 weeks and 6 days. That morning came around and they were ready to break my water and get me on pitocin. I figured it would still be a couple hours until I was in real labor since it was about 5:30 in the morning and I’m as only dilated to a 2. Well a few minutes after the doctor broke my water he was very concerned about my baby’s heart so they decided they needed to do an emergency c section. I called my boyfriend multiple times and he’s a hard sleeper so he didn’t hear his phone. I called his mom and mine and my mom called him and his mom went over to our place and started banging on doors and windows. Finally they said they had to take me back and the only people at the hospital were my parents. My boyfriend at this time said he was on his way so I was like good they will just be getting me ready when he gets here so I’ll be fine. Nope. It went so fast. He came in the room only a few minutes after our son was born. Since I was so drugged up on magnesium I was falling asleep on the table. I didn’t even get to see my baby be born. They had to rush him over to make sure his lungs were okay and he was breathing fine. I slept for almost 2 whole days because of the magnesium. They didn’t want to take me off because my blood pressure wouldn’t come down. I got to hold my baby 12 HOURS after he was born. I felt so bad because I was so weak and tired and I couldn’t hold my baby. I’m still upset my boyfriend missed our baby’s birth and I couldn’t hold him for over 2 days. But now he’s happy and healthy and we LOVE our baby boy 💙

This chunk was born at 35 weeks at 4lbs and 8 oz and now he’s almost 15 pounds at 4 months old ❤️

My baby when he was born ❤️