Military uncertainty


I am so grateful and proud to be a military spouse. I am especially grateful for the guaranteed income and benefits in uncertain times like this. Don't get me wrong I really am thankful for this life. But with some certainties, come some really big uncertainties.

I got pregnant with baby number three in September. Since then I've live apart from my husband for four months and lived in three different states. I'm 32 weeks now and we just got word that if baby isn't born before I'm 39 weeks, then we will be moving again while I'm so close to my due date. Unsure where this baby will be brought into the world. So either its a 13 hour drive with two toddlers, a newborn and a freshly postpartum mama or 13 hour drive with toddlers and a very pregnant mama. Dad will also being going on deployment in August and we don't know when he'll be getting back yet. I'm stressed about living out of suitcases and sleeping on air mattresses again while trying to care for myself postpartum and a new little baby. About having to learn how to juggle three kids with and worry about my husband's safety. I know this is the life I was signing up for but it just feels much differently than I thought I guess. Doesn't help I'm a million months pregnant tho!

I know all I can do at this point is to just give to the Lord and trust he has our best interests in mind but it feels good to write it all out.

Any other military wives gone through this? Or any mamas gone through anything similar?