Baby acne/rash



Not sure if my baby has baby acne or a rash. Mainly on only one side of his face. Any home remedies or ointment suggestions to help it heal? I’ve been putting breast milk on it a few times a day but doesn’t seem like it’s helping much.

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Posted at
Its probably baby acne which will clear up on its own


Alexis • Apr 23, 2020
Its sad but it does get better eventually 😁


Nichole • Apr 23, 2020
Thank you! I’m hoping so. I hate seeing his face so irritated


Posted at
Tubby Todd all over ointment. They need to start paying me for the amount of suggestions but I truly believe in this stuff! It was recommended to me by some mom friends and I’ve been using it for a week now and it’s really helping clear up his baby acne. The pic is his 3 day progress. I need to take his 1 week pics when he wakes up from his nap.


Posted at
Have you tried a milk bath with your breast milk ?


Catherine • Apr 23, 2020
*my first


Catherine • Apr 23, 2020
When I had first it helped with his baby acne. Just pour some of your milk in his bath, let him sit in it. I’d get a small cup and pour it on his head/face. I would give him a milk bath once a week to keep it from coming back


Nichole • Apr 23, 2020
I have not


Posted at
I used aquaphor on my daughters face and body no scent. She also just had a bad break but doctor said it was dry skin