Name struggles


My husband and I struggle to pick baby names. We never seem to absolutely love the same name. I'm fussy with names because I work in childcare so refuse to use any names of kids I've worked with (so literally any name currently in the top 50) but I also have 22 first cousins (add all their children that's another 19) and that's a bunch of names I don't want to use because it'd get confusing. My husband just dislikes most names 🤷🏻‍♀️ our first is Victoria and my husband wasn't in love with it but decided it suited her when she was born which is good because it was the only name on our list 😂 I feel like it'll be the same thing this time around but I would like to at least have 2-3 names so we can pick which suits baby best at birth. We find out the gender in two weeks so that'll maybe make it easier 😅

How has everyone else chosen a name? Is it one you both just happen to love? Picked names out of a hat? Given up and let a relative name the child? What are your secrets??