Please please please, nausea relief

I would be so grateful if you could drop your nausea relief methods below. I’m downing gingerale like it’s going out of style, and it’s not quite enough. Thank you in advance for sharing your tips!

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Second the unisom!


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My OB approves the use of one Unisom each night to help ease morning sickness and half of one for daytime use as long as you aren’t driving or operating heavy machinery. This helped me so much.


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This is just ginger capsules! Safe for pregnant women. It helps with heartburn too!


Autumn • Apr 27, 2020
Also, there is chewy ginger candy called "Gin Gins" that are at the grocery store or online... My husband had morning sickness when I was pregnant (LOL) with our oldest, and he lived off of those candies.


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These changes the game for me


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Nothing made it go away for me, but a few things definitely made it bearable. First of all, I always kept a tumbler with ice water and lemon slices in it. Using a straw was the only way I could stand water, and the lemon and ice made it so much better. When I wasn’t drinking ice water, I had hot ginger tea with lemon slices. Ginger candy was good, and I was obsessed with jolly ranchers and saltine crackers. The anti nausea seaband bracelet didn’t work for me, but I’ve heard others have good luck. Acupuncture also works for nausea!


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These plus a prescription of bonjesta. I didn’t even try to get out of bed until I had a couple crackers as well


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