Bad mom

Hello everyone, please don’t judge me by what I’m about to say! I have a 6 month old baby boy and a 4 year old daughter, ever since I had my second baby it seems like I don’t like my daughter. I’m constantly yelling at her for the smallest things, she’s developed a really bad behavior where she don’t listen or I have to repeat myself 5000 times in order for her to do something (picking up toys etc). I don’t feel the same way I used to feel when it was only me and her and it’s killing me. She was my first born and it seems like our bond is not there anymore. I don’t want to play with her, or help her when she needs my help.

Is killing me and i don’t know what to do honestly, I want for us to be the same before I had my baby! She was the perfect little girl and right now she has this nasty attitude, is rebellious, does not listen and she has been acting like a baby (does not know how to put on shoes, wipe herself when she goes potty) all those things she was doing it by herself before.

I’m desperately need of help on what to do, I always wake up in a bad mood with her, I want to stop yelling all the time and start being that sweet loving mom again!