Bet you can’t top this 😒

My MIL is a crazy bitch, ok? I just we’ve had nothing to do with her for just under 2 years now, and last I heard, she moved down south.

Anyway, so today, my husband came across her profile on Facebook. He noticed my kids were in her profile picture with her, so confused as shit, he went into it and found...she’s been using mine and my Mum’s pictures of us with my kids and photoshopping her face over ours. According to her, my husband and I died in a car accident and she’s been looking after my babies ever since!


So I posted the actual photos on them individually. Blocked me and my family.

We both tried texting her. Blocked. Calling the landline. Blocked.

I can’t think of any other way to tell her she’s fucked and needs to take my photos down and stop pretending I’m dead.

The photos look so real, I’ll give her that. And everyone believes her!