Feeling like number two. :'(

I know this is a bit of a weird situation, but I have been feeling pretty down lately. I feel like I may be overreacting due to hormones, so I wanted some advice/opinion.

When I was 2 months pregnant my boyfriend came home with a puppy(not for me, for him). He is a truck driver and is barely home, so I struggled through training him on my own. On the weekends it is Dads duty to take the dog outside, and he constantly ignores or doesn't notice when the dog sits by the door. So the dog has no choice but to go in the house. I will yell at the dog whenever he goes in the house(even though I feel bad because it's not his fault), because if I don't yell he automatically thinks it's okay to go inside again. (the pup is only 5 months)... He turns around and tells me that "if you want to yell at my dog like that again then you can get out." (is it just me or is this a little bit much?) I also believe the dog should be neutered and he refuses. The dog is very hyper and that will not be good for baby. My SO says if I neuter him without his permission he will leave me. This dog is his best friend and there are no doubts about it. Whenever we are in bed he will cuddle with the dog and ignore me. I have tried to express my feelings about this to him but he thinks the dog can do no wrong. Ever since the dog came around I have been number two. I have never been jealous of a dog before, and I don't know what to do. :(