I feel like I played myself and my BF journey :(

Hannah • Step mama 💙, baby #1: 3/26/20 Elias Scott Morgan💙, dog lover and wife to an amazing husband

My son will be 6 weeks on Thursday. He was basically exclusively formula fed per his pedi’s recommendation (his pediatrician is a family care dr. He was my ob during pregnancy and was my pcp prior to pregnancy. So his recommendations are for me and for the betterment of my son too.) He went from being in the 28th percentile at birth to the 4th. Then he dropped down and is currently riding the 1% curve. He’s gaining fine. His doctor recommended we feed every 2 hours until he proved he could gain weight, which he has, so now we feed on demand. So I am not the best at remembering schedules and I prefer to sleep. It’s a downfall of mine. I admit that. I HATE going above and beyond, especially when I’d rather be sleeping at night. So when Elias’s pedi said we should stop BF and formula feed, because we realized my breasts are:

a) not letting down (WTF has ANYONE ever experienced this ever???) Not slow let down, not inhibited, literally no let down ever. He will be screaming and I’ll be dry. I will be nursing and opposite boob: nothing. Not a single drop. I will pump. I use my Willow for the 1st 25 mins to stimulate, then my spectra for the next 30 to try and empty out + stimulate my breasts to say I need more. I won’t get more than .25 oz at most during my spectra pump time, this is probably bc I’m only dribbling into the bottle. I wish I could attach a video with this post but I am writing this at the end of my hour pump so it wouldn’t show much. ANYWAY, no let down. Please if you know someone or are someone who experiences this reach out to me. My doctors and LC is baffled. They’ve never experienced it before.

b) not refilling very fast. I’m talkin’ two hours between my pumps and in my first pump I’ll get maybe .5 oz total. My second I’ll get 1/4 of that half ounce. So barely anything. Not sure what’s happening there.

c) the whole reason his pedi told me to stop BF (he’d gone from 6.03 to 6.01 in 4 days), was bc I had BF him that morning around 6 am. It was not 2 pm, with no expression since 6 am and I was not engorged or leaking. So we’ve addressed at this point there’s a problem with my broken boobs (haha actually jk I’m crying bc all I ever wanted was to be able to BF my son but hey gotta laugh about it or I will actually be miserable)

So now into how I’ve played myself. I stopped pumping and BF and all but completely dried up. So I’m desperately trying to re-lactate. Now I only stopped feeding and pumping for about 1.5 weeks so not long. I didn’t dry up all the way either. But with the other problems happening, which I wasn’t aware of the severity until I started trying g to re-lactate, it’s been hell. I was producing 1.5 oz total about 2 days after my milk came in. Now I wish I could just producing .5 oz from on boob in a timely manor. Anyway. I’m taking three supplements from Legendairy Milk. I just started them today. Please wish me luck. I feel like bc I let myself slack off for a week and a half that I’ve ruined every chance I have to BF my baby boy. It’s frustrating.

I’m sorry for the long post, just wanted to vent and see if anyone has any advice for this situation. I will take anything for any part of this situation. Just want some help. Thanks!