IM READY TO TELL MY STORY (Rape) I never reported and I regret it

July 29,2020 💙🙏🏼🌈

When I was 14 I got my virginity stolen by my mothers boyfriend (now ex) in my sleep, I remember I was in my room sleeping and I always slept with a pair of scissors under my pillow cause I always felt uncomfortable in general being he would ask for weird things like lap dances (obviously I’d always say no) and even pulled me aside to ask if I was a virgin and I would say yes but he would say he didn’t believe me so I guess you can say I was warned, anyways it was summer and it was supper hot I didn’t own a ac or a fan so I would just sleep in my panties I mean I had my own room and usually people didn’t just barge in anytime they wanted to, I remember waking up from the middle of my sleep and him being over me with his pants down and he was wearing a flannel shirt I was feeling super weak and I felt like I had no control over my movement I tried reaching behind my pillow but I couldn’t it’s like if I was being held down that’s all I remember I believe I blacked out or something I just remember my whole body being in pain . After words I woke up and he was sitting at the edge of my bed and I instantly jumped up and cursed him out screaming at him to get out of my room, he left the room then 1 min later my mother came with him and asked what happened he was behind her crying and begging behind her back while she explained that she sent him in here to wake me up and go to her room, I just looked at him and told her it was nothing because I was still very confused on what happened for the first couple of minutes. I did tell anyone till I was 16 (I did try to speak with his sister after a week of it happening since she does have a young daughter and she said that I’m lying and her brother isn’t capable of doing something like that cause she trust him) then when I finally told my mother she had a hard time believing it they were already broke up also to mention he use to beat her. A couple days after me telling her she invited him to the house to try to work things out between them and when I entered the living room and saw him he was instantly shocked and left I asked her why he was here after I told her what happened she said “she forgot.” I’m now 19 and still traumatized getting over it but I’m a lot better now then before for years I’d have graphic dreams about it and wake up in tears or I’ll get horrible flashbacks I regret never making a police report cause till this day I’ll see him sometime in public and as soon as he sees me he instantly leaves as fast as he can no matter where it is and when I see his face I just get in this scared state of shock. Currently I have got myself legally disowned from my mother and haven’t seen her for at least almost 2 years now she’s became a crack head after all of this. Through my life I have been raped twice (by my foster sisters boyfriend I got so drunk I was unconscious) in my life and sexually assaulted multiple times by multiple different people my very first tattoo is a sexual assault survivor symbol I’m way better now then I was when I was young and I’m ready to tell my story I just wish it wasn’t to late now to make a report to the police if you know someone or you yourself have been sexually assault and you’re not sure what to do and your scared please make a report you will regret it later in life things will eventually get better but you’ll never fully heal trust me the thought of someone going to jail and suffering in there for what they did will bring so much more better feeling then knowing there still out there and never paid for what they did you are strong no matter what !!