
Logans mommy💙👨‍👩‍👦👶🏻 • Mommy to two angels ❤️ my little nugget 10-18-16👼🏻Lilly Jane 4-12-17👼🏻❤️ My rainbow little boy is due March 2020🌈👶🏻

Has anyone else dealt with mastitis yet?

Yesterday I completely fine In the morning but by evening I felt like I was hit by a truck covered in the flu, I was freezing my temp went up and I started getting red patches on my left breast.thankfully my doctor made room fo see me today and start antibiotics, but I still feel like garbage anytime my Tylenol wears off so I was wondering if anyone Has any tricks to deal besides a hot. Compress I’ve done that 3 times now. TIA