Am I the only one struggling with this age?

Jasmine • Mommy to two (one on the way 8/11/19)💕 YouTube 🎥 21 Years Old 🌸

My son is obviously 3 in September and the closer he gets to being 3 the more defeated I feel by him. He doesn’t listen to me and literally gets into everything he shouldn’t. I child lock something just for him to find something else. If my bathroom door is unlocked for less than a minute he’ll destroy my make-up. I’ve tried the gentle approach, yelling when I feel extra defeated, sending him to his room for like a minute and along with all of these approaches I explain to him what he did wrong and why can’t touch certain things. I know it’s his age. I just feel so overwhelmed by him lately and that I’m failing as a parent. Also there’s the fact that we’re stuck inside all the time other than our daily walk and he’s not interested in any activities I set up for him. He doesn’t even play with his toys he just gathers them all and throws them into a big pile. Any tips?