Can I Vent About my Husband for a Second?

So we have a 6 month old little girl and she is our first. Which makes this my first Mother’s Day weekend. My dear husband is working from home and I have been blessed to have become a stay at home mom ever since our LO was born. I love being able to stay at home with her and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I understand my roll as a stay at home mom is taking care of OUR daughter, OUR house, OUR laundry, cooking etc. But on the weekends I expect a little more from him in helping taking care of OUR baby. Now, he does help with bed time routine Monday-Thursday as this is his time to play/spend some time with our little one since he is working. I do bedtime routine Friday-Sunday so I don’t miss out on giving bath and putting to bed. Now, my husband likes to golf and before we had a kid I had no problem with it. Now, every time he tells me he’s going golfing I instantly get mad. If you guys didn’t know, Golfing takes half the day to play which leaves me to take care of our LO as if this was another “work day” for me. (His job stops on the weekends, mine does not!) I can’t tell you the last time we had a day it was just us three spending time together. On top of him going golfing today it’s Mother’s Day weekend..... remind you MY FIRST MOTHERS DAY. Now, I realize with us being quarantined we can’t really do a whole lot but I would have liked for us to spend a day together just us three as we will be going to his parents house for Mother’s Day tomorrow. He didn’t even ask me what I wanted for Mother’s Day and I’m not the type of person to beg or demand something just because it’s a “holiday”. We recently just purchased our first home and close this month so I told myself for every time he goes golfing I buy something for the house. I figure I’ll have my home decorated in no time!!!! Thanks for listening! Happy Mother’s Day to all you wonderful mommas!!