Mom after miscarriage ?


My husband and I only had one pregnancy, which resulted in a miscarriage. We had a scan, heard the heartbeat, but two visits later our world crumbled. Now we are experiencing infertility. I’m switching out cleaning and body care products, watching what I eat and doing yoga. So we are definitely trying to conceive and trying to make healthy swaps. But what I want to know, should him and I celebrate Mother’s Day? He already has a grown daughter so we definitely celebrate Father’s Day. But is it selfish of me for wanting him to at the very least tell me Happy Mother’s Day. I mean for those precious weeks, I was a mother. I started taking care of my eating habits, doing prenatal yoga and just talking to the baby. I became a mother. I just want to know other’s opinions. Especially from those who have been through this experience. All I’ve ever wanted in life was taken from me. Yes I’m coping, talk about it with him and in therapy sometimes. But I just wonder if anyone else would see this from my perspective?