What is going on


Ik these test suck. I feel like I can definitely tell the evaps most of the time but this one has me confused. It was taken yesterday showed up right awayso I was all excited thinking it's a bfp. I had a negative on bottom

from the day before for reference. the picture was a little out of time frame but it was definitely there during the time frame I just left my phone in other room.Af was due today or yesterday (27-28 day cycles) POS opk on the April 25. instead of af I had a ONE time spotting when I used the restroom it was brown. And a bfn this morning on pregmate. Was it a very bad false positive? I'm going to wait a few more days see if af shows. I had a mmc is September 2019 and anembroyinc pregnancy found when I was supposed to be 10 weeks in February, so this test was very cruel if it was false.

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