Baby number 3?

Vanessa • Married to the most wonderful & handsome man in the world! 👧🏻💞 born Oct. 23. 2016 & 👶🏽💚 born May 2. 2018 ♥️IG: DwyerBearFamily


We have a 3 1/2 year old daughter and a 2 year old son.

I always wanted our kids to be close in age but with these two kids I had made up my mind after my son that I was done with having my dream of four kids.

My mental health and physical health were deteriorating.

I said at the time “God would really have to put it on my heart to have more kids and come through for my health for me to ever consider having more”

Presently today I feel better or maybe it’s just all the extra help from my husband being home during the quarantine 😂 but I also feel like God has put it on my heart to have another but I also feel like the gap is too spread out now. :(

To get a better idea when my daughter is 10 years old, my son will be 8 years old and my “third” would be 5 years old!

To me that’s too much of a gap already but I know many families who have this kind of gap, I wanted to know how has it been for you?

Thank you :)