Dropping a nap

Hi! So we did sleep training about a month ago and it was going really well. Then out of nowhere probably 2 weeks ago my daughter started waking more again. I started playing with wake times to see if I could figure it out but no luck. She started waking around 1230-1 and would take FOREVER to get back to sleep.

The consultant I was working with suggested she was ready to drop to 2 naps so we’ve been working on that. We stretched first wake window to 2 hrs 45 mins and finally got some good naps again. Wake window before second nap is 3 hrs.

Bedtime has been an absolute nightmare. First let me say that my daughter has NEVER had trouble going to sleep. I put her in bed awake and she puts herself to sleep easily, I VERY rarely have to go back in the room. The first night our consultant suggested stretching from 2 hours 35 mins before bed to 3 hours. So we tried, and it was horrible. She was obviously over tired and took over 2 hours to fall asleep, and it took feeding and rocking her. Last night I scaled back to 2 hrs 35 mins (the awake time we were doing before we stretched to 3 hours) and we had the same issue. Last night it took over 3 hours to get her to sleep (finally passed out at 930) and was up at 10, 11, 1230, 3 and 6 am for the day. It was like she couldn’t get to a deep sleep - she would be quiet and still for about 15-20 mins then start screaming again.

I’m at a total loss. We’ve gone from a couple wake ups at night to just not being able to go to sleep AND having multiple wake ups at night. Our consultant says this is normal and the transition can take up to 8 weeks to even out but this seems INSANE to me. My poor girl is so tired and has gone from being the happiest baby to being SO grouchy! I’m wondering if she just isn’t ready to transition after all.

Anyone else that has made this transition, did you experience anything similar? Do I just power through or go back to 3 naps? I’m so lost and SO exhausted. I need help.