What is going on and how do I fix it?


My little guy has never been the greatest sleeper, but for months he was waking up twice a night and I was okay with that. Diaper change, feed, back to bed, no problem. He sleeps in his bassinet that's attached to our bed.

A week or so ago (feels like 10 years ago), he started waking up every 35-45 minutes and freaking out. As in, totally losing-his-mind-uncontrollable-screaming-panic-attack level freaking out. I have tried letting him cry (no more than 10 min), pick-up-put-down, nurse back to sleep then put down, sit next to him and try to comfort him, lay head in bassinet next to his (super uncomfortable, don't recommend), hold and rock him, shushing...the ONLY thing that gets him to calm down is bringing him into bed with me. Which is super uncomfortable for me and means I get very little sleep.

Has anyone else experienced something similar? What the heck do I do? Please tell me it's a phase that will pass soon. And am I doing long-term damage/preventing him from sleeping alone ever again by continuing to give in night after night and put him in bed with us? Helpppp meee! Haha 🤪😴

ETA: As far as I know, he's not teething. The drooling has actually subsided in the last couple weeks and no teeth in sight.