Year Mark and Hopeless

Mandy • 29 years old - Married October 2013 - Mom of Baby Girl Dec 2015 😊 Expecting Baby Boy April 2018 ☺️
This month marks the last month before my DH and I've officially been TTC for a year. I never thought we would be trying this long and to be honest it's a mixed bag of emotions. I'm disappointed, angry, hopeless, envious, bitter, exhausted, and neices are now 8 and 1. My baby cousin is now 1 and a few months. My best friends' children are 3, 2 and 1. Just about 80% of my friends on Facebook have their little ones or are currently expecting. Just this week there have been 3 more announcements - sad thing is that isn't an exaggerated figure. And I just don't know what we are doing wrong. We tried clomid for three months, the mucinex experiment, preseed, opks, temping and just taking it relaxed and easy for months prior to TTC. We've been tested to death - CD21s, HSG, Uterine Examine, sperm Analysis and although progesterone was a little low, our OB seems to think everything is within normal. I'm on the verge of losing it and I just don't know what to do...