The most common early symptoms of pregnancy

Dr. Kenosha • Board-certified OBGYN Medical Advisor at Natalist

Every pregnancy is different, and we often hear of varying levels of numerous symptoms, including increased urinary frequency, bloating, cramping, and moodiness. However, the most common and consistent early pregnancy symptoms include:

• Breast pain: Rapidly rising estrogen and progesterone in pregnancy can make the breasts quite uncomfortable. But don’t send out the pregnancy announcement just yet! There are other causes of achy sore breasts, including excessive caffeine and an oncoming menstrual cycle. To differentiate, lookout for exquisite nipple tenderness and tingling as well as heavy, swollen breasts.

• Nausea and vomiting: Fifty to eighty percent of early pregnancies are associated with nausea and vomiting. Although the exact cause is unknown, rising beta HCG levels and estrogen have been deemed likely culprits. And yes, there are risk factors—women who suffer from migraines, motion sickness, or whose moms and sisters had nausea and vomiting are more likely to experience it.

• Fatigue: If you’re craving your bed, both day and night, this could be reason for optimism. Studiesshow up to 90% of newly pregnant women report fatigue—and are more fatigued than their nonpregnant counterparts.

And remember, pregnancy symptoms vary. Just as every unborn child is unique with their own genetic imprint, personality, and physical traits, so is every pregnancy. Pregnancies vary from woman to woman and from pregnancy to pregnancy. No two children or pregnancies are exactly alike—and that’s usually cause for celebration.