She’s trying to make her debut 2 months early!


I came in Monday afternoon due to vaginal pressure and period cramps.. My midwife checked me & said “Your cervix is really soft for 28 weeks.. waait honey you’re 3-4 cm dilated. We have to admit you immediately!” At that moment, I broke down & they had to bring my mom in. I called my boyfriend & told him hurry there. I began to have contractions and they were so painful.. I went to 4 1/2 cms 90% effaced. I’ve been stuck there since Monday. I did have my steroid shots to help her lungs develop faster and also her brain.Yesterday I had my bloody show and also this morning I had blood mucus in the toilet. Today, they have given me my last dose of medicine to stop my contractions and are gonna let my body do it’s own thing. Please keep me & baby Amari in your prayers! I will be 29 weeks tomorrow and each minute second & hour is good that she’s in! Any of you mommies have your babies early and they turned out okay? Thank you! 💖