Did you have any signs of going into preterm labor?

Brooklynn • 23, married, mom to 2 wonderful boys, Mason and Tristan, and a 3rd boy is due July 9th, 2020.

I'm 32w2d with my 3rd son. My 1st son was born on his due date at 40w0d, my 2nd son was born at 36w2d, completely out of nowhere. Yesterday I had a lot of issues and then I noticed that he had dropped. I woke up feeling like my vagina was gonna fall out, there was so much pressure I was actually in pain, and I had what I'm pretty sure we're real contractions. It felt like a burning sensation from my lower back to my front. I drank some cold water and laid down for awhile and it got better, it didn't go away but it got better. I have noticed today that there is a lot of snotty discharge that has an odd smell to it. It doesn't smell like pee or snot, but kind of sweetish. I'm trying to take it as easy as I can today because I want to avoid another preemie. Especially one so early. What were your signs that you were going into labor early? What did you do to postpone it?