Baby Hysterical in Her Sleep


My LO is almost 7 months. She’s slept in her crib since she was 7 days old. She also sleeps through the night and has done so for many months now. We would put her in the crib and she would be asleep within a few minutes. The past few nights she has been crying for a few minutes when we lay her down - no big deal. Well its 9:45 now and she has been in bed for about an hour. Three times tonight she has become hysterical. When I go into her room and she dead asleep but still crying and screaming. I picked her up the first time and she didn’t even wake up. I’m a little worried 😟

Update: She cried two other times last night. She also slept later than usual. Tonight she cried when I put her down and cried again around 9:45. This time she was crying and wide awake on her belly. She know how to roll over but she’s never done it in her crib. Let’s see what else the night holds for us.