Great day to terrible day...


I write this not to get sympathy from anyone but just to be able to share my story and hopefully help other women out there who might go through the same thing...warning long post...

A week ago I took 5 pregnancy test (3 different brands) all came back positive... a faint positive but a positive none the less.. I called my gyno to get in and confirm pregnancy and do the ultrasound... my husband and I have been trying to conceive for 10 months now so we are nervous and excited I go in take my urine test and wait in the room. Of course the test also comes back positive and we are even more reassured and excited so we sign all the paperwork and they give us a goody bag for finally getting pregnant. We go in for the ultrasound and since I’m so early they did the vaginal ultrasound well we were early than we thought so the nurse practioner said everything was normal that this was normal that she saw the uterus growing and gestational sac which is what your supposed to see at this stage so we again were reassured in that room of getting the ultrasound my husband and I asked 3 times she was positive we were pregnant and everything looked great and healthy. She reassured us 3 times that this was a healthy pregnancy that everything looks normal and we are for sure pregnant so of course we leave excited and go have a celebratory lunch with my mom.. here’s where the day turns around I get a call about 3 hours later them telling me my blood test came back for the hcg test and it was negative that I wasn’t pregnant... so I asked okay than why am I testing postive on urine at home and in your office needless to say the lady on the phone didn’t give 2 shits and basically told me off saying I was never pregnant to begin with and that the nurse practitioner said that what she claimed was a gestational sac is now nothing and that I should be starting my period soon... mind you I’m 40 days late and never more than a week or 2 late ever... so I refused to listen to the answer she gave me I asked her multiple times what could we do to confirm this was true and I got a “ I guess you can come back in 2 days and run a repeat lab...) how nice of this lady.... so again me being my stubborn self I refuse the answer she gave me and called my family doctor... he got me in I told him what happened he ran a urine test and sadly it came back negative... long story short I found out I had what was called a blighted ovum... basically a fertilized egg attaches to your uterus but the baby never develops inside because it was never a viable pregnancy to begin with... but with that being said I was pregnant I was testing positive and just like I was miscarrying all in one day all in a short time span I had to go to a completely different doctor/hospital brand or whatever you call it just so I could figure out what was going on... so I guess what I’m trying to say is girls we know our body and know when something is there or isn’t there so don’t try to let someone tell you otherwise or degrade you by saying you weren’t ever pregnant to begin with because you were... it just wasn’t meant to be yet... don’t get me wrong I am devistared it want our time yet... but I’m finally happy I was given an answer to what happened instead of degraded and told I was never pregnant to begin with.. don’t ever let someone walk over you fight for information before settling with what they tell you and alway.. always ask for a second opinion.. I know one day I will be fine again and one day I will hold my baby.. that day just isn’t right now and that’s okay because of this app I am around strong women who will build me up and pray for me day to day until we and I say we.. all get our babies (no matter how we get them)... thank you ladies for listening to my rant and please please always ask for a second opinion if you feel something is wrong a second opinion is always better! Love you guys and please pass on the baby dust!!