Prayers Please & a little vent

J. • Baby Girl Due 10/2021 via FET
My MIL has beat breast cancer twice. She is old school, 70 something year old, heavy smoker. She quit for a few months & many of her health issues got better or disappeared. She started smoking again about a year ago & we just found out yesterday that there's a 93-98% chance she now has lung cancer. With her symptoms it seems she may be in the later stages. My heart breaks, DH already lost his father a few years ago & is an only child. I'm so angry that she started smoking again. She tried to hide it from us but found out. She hasn't let us or anyone see her in over a year. Unfortunately, her only child was never a top priority in her life. Every time we say we are going up or we are on our way she said she's out of town. 
I have so many emotions. I want her to be better as i love her to bits. I want to take away my husbands pain. I need to start prepping the kids so if something happens it's not a shock to them. I feel so helpless & lost right now.