Everyone says how gross the glucose test drink is... are my tastebuds broken? I swear I

Katie • 🧬Unexplained Infertility 💉IVF Jan‘19 👶🏻Baby on Board Oct’19 ❤️Blogging 🌸Gardening 🌎World Travel ✉️Katie@adventuristaaz.com 📍Based in Gilbert,AZ
Everyone says how gross the glucose test drink is... are my tastebuds broken? I swear I don’t drink many sugary drinks but this wasn’t bad IMO. Maybe it’s all the fresh squeezed orange juice? Or I’ve been consuming more sugar than I realized... 😳 what was your #glucosetest experience? . . . . . #25weekspregnant #ivfpregnancy #arizonapregnancy #ivfsuccess #arizonababy #pleaseletmepass