I did everything right

I waited to lose my virginity on my wedding night. Stayed on birth control until my husband and I could afford to have children. Diagnosed with unknown cause of infertility. Had fibroids removed from my uterus... Tried Clomid metformin and now  <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> still no baby 1 miscarriage 3 years ago that was a partial molar which the doctor doesn't consider a real pregnancy. I'm so emotionally drained and can't take  another negative test. Glow told me to test Saturday it was negative no period but I have all the symptoms swollen tender breast frequent urination extremely tired increased cervical mucus the only one I'm not getting is nausea what the heck is going on. Tested again this morning all negative😔😔😔😔😔 I'm tired of all of this. Pray for me