Twin vaginal, planned medicated birth, turns to unmedicated scare
Twin vaginal, planned medicated birth, turns to unmedicated scare!
I gave birth two my boy/girl twins two weeks ago on May 5th. I went in for my induction at around 7:30 and began pitocin around 8:30 (prior to starting I was at about a 3.5/4cm). At about 9am my OB came in and broke my water (for twin A). Shortly after the anesthesiologist came in, with some bad news. The labs they had taken when I arrived at the hospital came back with results showing I had low blood platelets, which meant my blood was not clotting.
I hadn't had any issues in my twin pregnancy before this, so I asked him to re-test, just to see. He said that be would definitely be re-testing and that he hoped ot was a fluke.
He did go on to tell me what the significance of non clotting blood epidural. He reported that due to not clotting, I could have a bleed inside my spine, where the epidural would be administered and I could potentially end up being paralyzed from the waist down.
My medicated birth plan went out the window, after hearing the heightened risks. I tried to get insight from my sister in law and a friend on tips for a natural birth.
Due to not having the epidural, I asked my nurse if she could stop the pitocin.
My 1st pregnancy even with an epidural still seemed extremely painful, partly due to the increased speed of the pitocin.
So I was hoping that if we stopped the pitocin, that maybe more of a "natural" labor could ensue. When the drug was stopped I was 5cm and doing pretty good. This was around 12:15. But with in about another 15 minutes, I was in an incredible amount of discomfort. I asked my husband to go to the car and get a heating pad. I also asked for a stability ball from my nurse's. By the time he got back it was around 12:40 and I could not sit still, I was in so much pain, every contraction seemed like forever, and they came so quick I didnt have much relief. I remember telling my nurse that I just feel like I have to pee. I tried to squat to release some of the contractions, but it did very little. My nurse checked me and I was at a 7. She got on the phone and called to get the OR set up (where twins or multiples are delivered).
My husband got geared up in scrubs and text my mother and his, around 12:50 telling them it was go time.
Another nurse wheeled in a wheelchair, and I could hardly sit on it. They wheeled me to the OR. And its busy full of people prepping.
I got on to the table, writhing in pain, just thinking I cant do this. I pushed 3 times (which felt like eternity) and my son was born at 1:04. Some of my pain subsided at that time. Quickly after his birth, a resident used an ultrasound machine to make sure baby b was still head down. She was so my OB broke my water for a second time. I was in less pain pushing the second time, but it still was no cake walk. I cant remember how many times I pushed for her but she was born at 1:07.
After the kiddos were born my OB dtarts working to get my placentas out. When I had my daughter in 2018, I hemorrhaged after the placenta removal.
So my doctor was being extra precautionary this time around. I'll I could feel was pounding on my stomach. And just a buzz of people following my OB's orders. I was in a lot of discomfort still, so one if the nurses gave me some pain meds to help.
Unfortunately this is where things are fuzzy for me (and my husband has filled me in). I continued to bleed, from an unknown location. My OB was communicating with my husband and told him that I was going to have to be sedated (I was moving to much for them to find the bleed, and I was losing a lot of blood). He agreed too it, in seconds I was out. He still gets teary when discussing my lifeless body on the OR table, while he is holding these two new lives.
My OB is truly a mericle worker. This mark's the second time her quick acting and knowledge saved my life. I lost one liter of blood in her arms (ended up losing 2 in total). I had to have two blood transfusions and antibiotics.
When I was stable, I was wheeled back in to delivery room and unfortunately was out for the next 5-6 hours.
When I awoke my OB came in and said my cervix was the cause of the bleed, but she was able to get everything under control.
I had so many IV fluid running through me that at one point I couldn't even lift my legs, because they were so heavy. My recovery has been easier then I thought it would be. I didnt have any tearing so that was one plus! And which made a faster recovery.
I keep reflecting on how I am lucky to be here to tell my story. I am so glad I had a wonderful team behind me.
My two bundles are healthy!
My son Zade weighed 5.12 and was 18.5 inches and my daughter Remi was 5.7 and was 18 inch.

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