Baby #2

My hubby and I are planning baby number 2 soon and I can’t help but feel so emotional. Our daughter will be two next month. I know she will love having a playmate and will be such a good big sister, but I feel guilty because she gets all our attention now. She gets so jealous when I hold her cousins. I don’t want to rock her world with a new baby. If everything works out according to plan, she’ll be about 3 when the baby is born. How do you know if that’s enough time of her having her own one on one time being an only child? I want them to be close so I don’t want to wait much longer. I also worry about how I’ll be able to handle it. I’ve worked with so many kids and was a nanny for four kids under age 5, and that was nothing compared to my one toddler sometimes. I get so stressed out sometimes I can’t even imagine adding a baby into the mix but maybe it gets easier? I know these are all common feeling I’m just emotional right now lol. I appreciate any words or advice :)